Adding Statistics Recitation Solutions

Week 9


Jessica Cooperstone


Today you will be practicing what we learned in today’s class on adding statistics to your plots.

Load data

We will be using the NHANES data again from the package NHANES.

library(tidyverse) # for everything
library(NHANES) # for data
library(rstatix) # for pipe friendly statistics functions
library(ggpubr) # for easy annotating of stats
library(glue) # for easy pasting
library(rcompanion) # for creating the comparison table 

Is total cholesterol (TotChol) different by age (AgeDecade)?

Hint - you want to test your assumptions to see what tests to do. You might need to use different posthoc comparison methods than we did in class.

Another hint - the function rcompanion::cldList() will convert the resulting comparison table from a posthoc Dunn test to create a column with the letters indicating which groups are significantly different from each other.

Base plot

Plot to get an overview.

(totchol_age_baseplot <- NHANES %>%
  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = AgeDecade, y = TotChol, group = AgeDecade)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x = "Age, by Decade",
       y = "Total Cholesterol (mmol/L)",
       title = "Differences in total cholesterol by age in NHANES 2009/2010, and 2011/2012"))

Would a violin plot be better?

  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = AgeDecade, y = TotChol, group = AgeDecade)) +
  geom_violin() +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x = "Age, by Decade",
       y = "Total Cholesterol (mmol/L)",
       title = "Differences in total cholesterol by age in NHANES 2009/2010, and 2011/2012")

Eh I think I like the boxplot better.

Use stat_compare_means()

  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = AgeDecade, y = TotChol, group = AgeDecade)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  stat_compare_means() +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(x = "Age, by Decade",
       y = "Total Cholesterol (mmol/L)",
       title = "Differences in total cholesterol by age from NHANES 2009/2010, and 2011/2012")

Testing assumptions


# testing normality by group
  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol) %>% # remove NAs
  group_by(AgeDecade) %>%
  shapiro_test(TotChol) # test for normality
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  AgeDecade variable statistic        p
  <fct>     <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>
1 " 0-9"    TotChol      0.986 5.23e- 4
2 " 10-19"  TotChol      0.971 5.15e-15
3 " 20-29"  TotChol      0.988 1.85e- 8
4 " 30-39"  TotChol      0.963 1.58e-17
5 " 40-49"  TotChol      0.960 7.88e-19
6 " 50-59"  TotChol      0.987 6.76e- 9
7 " 60-69"  TotChol      0.986 2.11e- 7
8 " 70+"    TotChol      0.983 6.20e- 6

Not normal.

Constant variance

  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol) %>% # remove NAs
  levene_test(TotChol ~ AgeDecade) # test for constant variance
# A tibble: 1 × 4
    df1   df2 statistic        p
  <int> <int>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1     7  8158      48.6 4.39e-68

Non constant variance. Non-parametric it is.

Log transformed tests

NHANES_log <- NHANES %>%
  mutate(TotChol_log2 = log2(TotChol))


# testing normality by group
NHANES_log %>%
  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol_log2) %>% # remove NAs
  group_by(AgeDecade) %>%
  shapiro_test(TotChol_log2) # test for normality
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  AgeDecade variable     statistic            p
  <fct>     <chr>            <dbl>        <dbl>
1 " 0-9"    TotChol_log2     0.995 0.219       
2 " 10-19"  TotChol_log2     0.991 0.00000180  
3 " 20-29"  TotChol_log2     0.989 0.0000000306
4 " 30-39"  TotChol_log2     0.995 0.000536    
5 " 40-49"  TotChol_log2     0.993 0.00000977  
6 " 50-59"  TotChol_log2     0.993 0.0000100   
7 " 60-69"  TotChol_log2     0.989 0.00000472  
8 " 70+"    TotChol_log2     0.995 0.0751      

Still pretty not normal via Shapiro Test. Let’s look at the log2 transformed total choletserol distributions across the different age groups.

NHANES_log %>%
  drop_na(TotChol_log2, AgeDecade) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = TotChol_log2)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  facet_wrap(vars(AgeDecade)) +
  theme_classic() +
  labs(x = "Log2 Total Cholesterol",
       y = "Count",
       title = "Distribution of cholesterol levels by age")
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

These actually look reasonably normal to me.

Constant variance

NHANES_log %>%
  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol_log2) %>% # remove NAs
  levene_test(TotChol_log2 ~ AgeDecade) # test for constant variance
# A tibble: 1 × 4
    df1   df2 statistic        p
  <int> <int>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1     7  8158      16.8 4.03e-22

Still not constant variance.

Kruskal Wallis test

(kruskal_chol <- NHANES %>%
  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol) %>% # remove NAs
  kruskal_test(TotChol ~ AgeDecade))
# A tibble: 1 × 6
  .y.         n statistic    df     p method        
* <chr>   <int>     <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>         
1 TotChol  8166     1672.     7     0 Kruskal-Wallis

Ok significant difference exists. Where is it?

Post-hoc analysis

Run Dunn test

(kruskal_chol_posthoc <- NHANES %>%
  drop_na(AgeDecade, TotChol) %>% # remove NAs
  dunn_test(TotChol ~ AgeDecade,
            p.adjust.method = "BH")) # Benjamini Hochberg multiple testing correction
# A tibble: 28 × 9
   .y.     group1  group2    n1    n2 statistic         p     p.adj p.adj.signif
 * <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  <int> <int>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>       
 1 TotChol " 0-9"  " 10-…   415  1214    0.0500 9.60e-  1 9.60e-  1 ns          
 2 TotChol " 0-9"  " 20-…   415  1257   10.6    3.66e- 26 6.83e- 26 ****        
 3 TotChol " 0-9"  " 30-…   415  1273   15.9    1.02e- 56 2.86e- 56 ****        
 4 TotChol " 0-9"  " 40-…   415  1354   21.3    2.60e-100 1.22e- 99 ****        
 5 TotChol " 0-9"  " 50-…   415  1234   22.2    8.53e-109 4.78e-108 ****        
 6 TotChol " 0-9"  " 60-…   415   873   18.8    1.16e- 78 4.64e- 78 ****        
 7 TotChol " 0-9"  " 70+"   415   546   14.9    4.59e- 50 1.07e- 49 ****        
 8 TotChol " 10-1… " 20-…  1214  1257   14.8    1.16e- 49 2.50e- 49 ****        
 9 TotChol " 10-1… " 30-…  1214  1273   22.3    4.50e-110 3.15e-109 ****        
10 TotChol " 10-1… " 40-…  1214  1354   30.1    3.66e-199 5.13e-198 ****        
# ℹ 18 more rows

Use rcompanion::cldList() to create the groups for us. Reading the documentation about cldList() helped me learn that:

  1. there needs to be a formula that compares the p-values (here, p.adj) to a comparison column (here, one I created called comparison)
  2. there needs to be a comparison column that is in the form similar to “Treat.A - Treat.B = 0” where =, 0 are removed by default. The removal of 0 affects our group names but we can fix that later. Since we have hyphens in our group names, I removed them since this column only allows one hyphen between the groups to be compared
  3. set a threshold for what p-value is considered significant

To do this, first:

  • I removed the hyphen from group1 and group2 in new variables called group1_rep and group2_rep
  • Then, I made a new column called comparison that combined the values from group1_rep and group2_rep
# combine group1 and group2 to make one column called comparison
# then replace hyphens with something else because cldList can only have one hyphen
kruskal_chol_posthoc_1 <- kruskal_chol_posthoc %>%
  mutate(group1_rep = str_replace_all(group1, pattern = "-", replacement = "to"),
         group2_rep = str_replace_all(group2, pattern = "-", replacement = "to")) %>%
  mutate(comparison = glue("{group1_rep} -{group2_rep}"))

.y. group1 group2 n1 n2 statistic p p.adj p.adj.signif group1_rep group2_rep comparison
TotChol 0-9 10-19 415 1214 0.0499933 0.9601277 0.9601277 ns 0to9 10to19 0to9 - 10to19
TotChol 0-9 20-29 415 1257 10.5808362 0.0000000 0.0000000 **** 0to9 20to29 0to9 - 20to29
TotChol 0-9 30-39 415 1273 15.8700258 0.0000000 0.0000000 **** 0to9 30to39 0to9 - 30to39
TotChol 0-9 40-49 415 1354 21.2610617 0.0000000 0.0000000 **** 0to9 40to49 0to9 - 40to49
TotChol 0-9 50-59 415 1234 22.1590557 0.0000000 0.0000000 **** 0to9 50to59 0to9 - 50to59
TotChol 0-9 60-69 415 873 18.7771929 0.0000000 0.0000000 **** 0to9 60to69 0to9 - 60to69
# run cldList()
(group_cldList <- cldList(p.adj ~ comparison,
        data = kruskal_chol_posthoc_1,
        threshold = 0.05))
  Group Letter MonoLetter
1   to9      a      a    
2 1to19      a      a    
3 2to29      b       b   
4 3to39      c        c  
5 4to49     de         de
6 5to59      d         d 
7 6to69      e          e
8    7+      c        c  

Or, you could create groups from kruskal_chol_posthoc results manually.

[1]  30-39  0-9    40-49  60-69  50-59  10-19  20-29  70+   <NA>  
Levels:  0-9  10-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70+
(group_manual <- 
    data.frame(group = levels(NHANES$AgeDecade), # use levels to get the right order
               letter = c("a", "a", "b", "c", "de", "d", "e", "c"))) # letters manually
   group letter
1    0-9      a
2  10-19      a
3  20-29      b
4  30-39      c
5  40-49     de
6  50-59      d
7  60-69      e
8    70+      c

Make a dataframe that has the maximum total cholesterol for each age so that we know where to place the numbers on the plot. I was having some trouble with the summarize() function from dplyr being masked by one from Hmisc so I’m referring to the one I want explicitly.

(max_chol <- NHANES %>%
  drop_na(TotChol, AgeDecade) %>%
  group_by(AgeDecade) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(max_tot_chol = max(TotChol)))
# A tibble: 8 × 2
  AgeDecade max_tot_chol
  <fct>            <dbl>
1 " 0-9"            6.34
2 " 10-19"          7.76
3 " 20-29"          8.2 
4 " 30-39"          9.93
5 " 40-49"         13.6 
6 " 50-59"         12.3 
7 " 60-69"         10.3 
8 " 70+"            9.05

Bind the groups to the maximum cholesterol df.

(dunn_for_plotting <- bind_cols(max_chol, group_cldList$Letter) %>%
  rename(Letter = 3)) # rename the third column "Letter"
New names:
• `` -> `...3`
# A tibble: 8 × 3
  AgeDecade max_tot_chol Letter
  <fct>            <dbl> <chr> 
1 " 0-9"            6.34 a     
2 " 10-19"          7.76 a     
3 " 20-29"          8.2  b     
4 " 30-39"          9.93 c     
5 " 40-49"         13.6  de    
6 " 50-59"         12.3  d     
7 " 60-69"         10.3  e     
8 " 70+"            9.05 c     


# using geom_text()
totchol_age_baseplot +
  geom_text(data = dunn_for_plotting,
            aes(x = AgeDecade, 
                y = max_tot_chol + 1,
                label = Letter)) +
  labs(caption = "Groups with different letters are significant different using the Kruskal Wallis test, \nand the Dunn test for pairwise comparisons at p < 0.05")

# using annotate()
totchol_age_baseplot +
  annotate(geom = "text",
           x = seq(1:8),
           y = dunn_for_plotting$max_tot_chol + 1,
           label = dunn_for_plotting$Letter) +
  labs(caption = "Groups with different letters are significant different using the Kruskal Wallis test, \nand the Dunn test for pairwise comparisons at p < 0.05")

I also decided to add for context, what the cut-off for normal cholesterol is, so someone can see how these values relate to normal values. A normal cholesterol level is below 200 mg/dL or below 5.17 mmol/L.

totchol_age_baseplot +
  expand_limits(x = 0) + # a little more space to add a note
  geom_hline(yintercept = 5.17, # set the yintercept
             linetype = "dashed", # make the line dashed
             color = "red") + # make the linered
  # add means comparison letters
  annotate(geom = "text",
           x = seq(1:8),
           y = dunn_for_plotting$max_tot_chol + 1,
           label = dunn_for_plotting$Letter) +
  # add a lil note about cholesterol
  annotate(geom = "text",
           x = 1, 
           y = 13, 
           size = 3,
           label = "5.17 nmol/L cholesterol \nis the upper limit \nfor normal levels") +
  # put that note in a box
  annotate(geom = "rect", 
           xmin = 0.1, 
           xmax = 1.85, 
           ymin = 11.9, 
           ymax = 14.1,
           color = "black", 
           alpha = .2) + # transparency
  # add an arrow from the note to the horizontal line
  geom_segment(aes(x = 1, y = 11.9, xend = 0.2, yend = 5.17),
                  arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.15, "cm"))) +
  labs(caption = "Groups with different letters are significant different using the Kruskal Wallis test, \nand the Dunn test for pairwise comparisons at p < 0.05")

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