Interactive plots with plotly recitation solutions


Daniel Quiroz


Today we are going to work with microbiome data. In this recitation we are going to provide microbiome data as the result of the shotgun sequencing of the pig gut microbiome.

Pig gut microbiome data

The goal of this recitation is to replicate the following plot, which expresses the relationship between the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes while the rest of the Phyla levels were assigned to others.

Load the packages we will use


How many rows and columns does the data have?

pig_micro <- read_csv("data/Phyla_RelAbund_Final_Filtered_WithMetadata.csv")

[1] 60 50

The data contains 60 rows and 50 columns

How many phyla does the data contains and how many columns represents metadata of the experiment?

Rows: 60
Columns: 50
$ Sample_Name                                   <chr> "ShotgunWGS-ControlPig6G…
$ Pig                                           <dbl> 6, 8, 3, 14, 5, 18, 16, …
$ Diet                                          <chr> "Control", "Control", "C…
$ Time_Point                                    <chr> "Day 14", "Day 0", "Day …
$ Diet_By_Time_Point                            <chr> "Control Day 14", "Contr…
$ Acidobacteria                                 <dbl> 0.000741000, 0.000885000…
$ Actinobacteria                                <dbl> 0.04813358, 0.06598073, …
$ Apicomplexa                                   <dbl> 5.95e-05, 9.14e-05, 4.92…
$ Aquificae                                     <dbl> 0.000503, 0.000537, 0.00…
$ Ascomycota                                    <dbl> 0.000384000, 0.000523000…
$ Bacillariophyta                               <dbl> 2.71e-05, 4.38e-05, 3.34…
$ Bacteroidetes                                 <dbl> 0.3670956, 0.3312767, 0.…
$ Basidiomycota                                 <dbl> 6.18e-05, 9.64e-05, 5.13…
$ `Candidatus Poribacteria`                     <dbl> 6.70e-06, 1.17e-05, 5.44…
$ Chlamydiae                                    <dbl> 0.000142, 0.000197, 0.00…
$ Chlorobi                                      <dbl> 0.001259844, 0.001445895…
$ Chloroflexi                                   <dbl> 0.002020802, 0.002288481…
$ Chlorophyta                                   <dbl> 9.53e-05, 1.36e-04, 9.38…
$ Chrysiogenetes                                <dbl> 8.53e-05, 9.90e-05, 7.02…
$ Crenarchaeota                                 <dbl> 0.000167, 0.000215, 0.00…
$ Cyanobacteria                                 <dbl> 0.002277461, 0.003240824…
$ Deferribacteres                               <dbl> 0.000385, 0.000475, 0.00…
$ `Deinococcus-Thermus`                         <dbl> 0.000639000, 0.000854000…
$ Dictyoglomi                                   <dbl> 0.000314000, 0.000370000…
$ Elusimicrobia                                 <dbl> 0.000163, 0.000240, 0.00…
$ Euryarchaeota                                 <dbl> 0.003395060, 0.004565534…
$ Fibrobacteres                                 <dbl> 0.001228664, 0.001657792…
$ Firmicutes                                    <dbl> 0.5308271, 0.5293436, 0.…
$ Fusobacteria                                  <dbl> 0.003955535, 0.005057419…
$ Gemmatimonadetes                              <dbl> 5.44e-05, 8.09e-05, 6.24…
$ Hemichordata                                  <dbl> 6.70e-06, 4.29e-06, 4.14…
$ Korarchaeota                                  <dbl> 1.93e-05, 2.31e-05, 1.35…
$ Lentisphaerae                                 <dbl> 0.000197000, 0.000436000…
$ Microsporidia                                 <dbl> 1.26e-05, 2.10e-05, 1.45…
$ Nanoarchaeota                                 <dbl> 1.03e-06, 1.19e-06, 1.04…
$ Nematoda                                      <dbl> 4.59e-05, 6.31e-05, 3.78…
$ Nitrospirae                                   <dbl> 0.000142, 0.000190, 0.00…
$ Placozoa                                      <dbl> 1.75e-05, 1.62e-05, 8.03…
$ Planctomycetes                                <dbl> 0.00039200, 0.00062700, …
$ Proteobacteria                                <dbl> 0.02713703, 0.03683140, …
$ Spirochaetes                                  <dbl> 0.002968326, 0.004157693…
$ Synergistetes                                 <dbl> 0.001147492, 0.001783025…
$ Tenericutes                                   <dbl> 0.000712000, 0.000888000…
$ Thaumarchaeota                                <dbl> 1.44e-05, 1.90e-05, 1.53…
$ Thermotogae                                   <dbl> 0.001292056, 0.001691600…
$ Verrucomicrobia                               <dbl> 0.000827000, 0.001495655…
$ `unclassified (derived from Bacteria)`        <dbl> 0.000308, 0.000410, 0.00…
$ `unclassified (derived from Eukaryota)`       <dbl> 0.000325000, 0.000997000…
$ `unclassified (derived from Viruses)`         <dbl> 0.000398000, 0.000625000…
$ `unclassified (derived from other sequences)` <dbl> 1.24e-05, 7.86e-06, 1.61…

The first 5 rows represents metadata:

  • Sample_Name
  • Pig
  • Diet
  • Time_Point
  • Diet_By_Time_Point

The remainder of the columns represent the different phyla level annotation.

Computing the cumulative abundance for other phylum

Create a new column with a new phyla assignation

Keep the phyla level when they are Firmicutes or Bacteroidetes, otherwise assign Phyla to “Other level”.

Hint: You may need to pivot the data to evaluate the column names as observations

Here, we are creating a new column called Simplified_Phyla where if the Phyla is Bacteriodetes or Firmicutes, we specify the value that currently exists in Phyla, and if its not, then we specify to give the value “Other phyla”.

We can do this with if_else().

pig_micro |> 
    # select all the phyla columns
    cols = Acidobacteria:`unclassified (derived from other sequences)`,
    values_to = "Abundance", 
    names_to = "Phyla") |> 
  mutate(Simplified_Phyla = if_else(condition = Phyla %in% c("Bacteroidetes", "Firmicutes"), 
                                    true = Phyla, 
                                    false = "Other phyla")) |> 
# A tibble: 6 Ă— 8
  Sample_Name            Pig Diet  Time_Point Diet_By_Time_Point Phyla Abundance
  <chr>                <dbl> <chr> <chr>      <chr>              <chr>     <dbl>
1 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Acid… 0.000741 
2 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Acti… 0.0481   
3 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Apic… 0.0000595
4 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Aqui… 0.000503 
5 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Asco… 0.000384 
6 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Baci… 0.0000271
# â„ą 1 more variable: Simplified_Phyla <chr>

Or with case_when().

pig_micro |> 
    # select all the phyla columns
    cols = Acidobacteria:`unclassified (derived from other sequences)`,
    values_to = "Abundance", 
    names_to = "Phyla") |> 
  mutate(Simplified_Phyla = case_when(Phyla == "Bacteroidetes" ~ Phyla,
                           Phyla == "Firmicutes" ~ Phyla,
                      #    .default = "Other phyla")) |> # use this if you have a newer version of R  
                           TRUE ~ "Other phyla")) |> 
# A tibble: 6 Ă— 8
  Sample_Name            Pig Diet  Time_Point Diet_By_Time_Point Phyla Abundance
  <chr>                <dbl> <chr> <chr>      <chr>              <chr>     <dbl>
1 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Acid… 0.000741 
2 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Acti… 0.0481   
3 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Apic… 0.0000595
4 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Aqui… 0.000503 
5 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Asco… 0.000384 
6 ShotgunWGS-ControlP…     6 Cont… Day 14     Control Day 14     Baci… 0.0000271
# â„ą 1 more variable: Simplified_Phyla <chr>

Compute the cumulative abundance by the new Simplified_Phyla levels that you created

We want to have a summary that has the relative abundance of each of the Simplified_Phyla for each pig.

pig_clean <- pig_micro |> 
    # select all the phyla columns
    cols = Acidobacteria:`unclassified (derived from other sequences)`,
    values_to = "Abundance", 
    names_to = "Phyla") |> 
  mutate(Simplified_Phyla = if_else(condition = Phyla %in% c("Bacteroidetes", "Firmicutes"), 
                                    true = Phyla, 
                                    false = "Other phyla")) |> 
  group_by(Sample_Name, Simplified_Phyla, Time_Point, Pig) |> 
  summarise(Abundance = sum(Abundance)) 

# A tibble: 6 Ă— 5
# Groups:   Sample_Name, Simplified_Phyla, Time_Point [6]
  Sample_Name                        Simplified_Phyla Time_Point   Pig Abundance
  <chr>                              <chr>            <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>
1 ShotgunWGS-ControlPig10GutMicrobi… Bacteroidetes    Day 0         10    0.481 
2 ShotgunWGS-ControlPig10GutMicrobi… Firmicutes       Day 0         10    0.435 
3 ShotgunWGS-ControlPig10GutMicrobi… Other phyla      Day 0         10    0.0839
4 ShotgunWGS-ControlPig10GutMicrobi… Bacteroidetes    Day 14        10    0.383 
5 ShotgunWGS-ControlPig10GutMicrobi… Firmicutes       Day 14        10    0.513 
6 ShotgunWGS-ControlPig10GutMicrobi… Other phyla      Day 14        10    0.104 

Create the base bar plot with ggplot

First some wrangling.

# what are the time points called again?
[1] "Day 0"  "Day 14" "Day 7" 
# make Time_Point a factor so the faceting goes Day 0, Day 7, Day 14
# instead of putting Day 14 in the middle
pig_clean$Time_Point <- as.factor(pig_clean$Time_Point)

# set levels to be the order we want
pig_clean$Time_Point <- factor(pig_clean$Time_Point,
                               levels = c("Day 0", "Day 7", "Day 14"))

Then plot.

stack_barplot <- pig_clean |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = as.numeric(Pig), y = Abundance, fill = Simplified_Phyla, 
    # set text to specify hover test         
             text = glue::glue("{Simplified_Phyla}: {round(Abundance, 3)*100}%"))) + 
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "GnBu") +
  facet_wrap(vars(Time_Point)) +
  theme_classic() +
  labs(y = "Relative Abundance", 
       fill = "Phyla",
       x = "Pig Number",
       title = "Bacteriodetes, Firmicutes, and Other Phyla from \nPig Microbiome Sequencing using Shotgun Metagenomics") +
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), 
        axis.text = element_text(color = "black", size = 11),
        strip.text = element_text(color = "black", size = 10), 
        strip.background = element_blank())


Make the plot interactive

         tooltip = "text") |>
  layout(margin = list(t = 100)) # for increasing the padding around the title
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